Team In Training IL

Monday, May 16, 2011

Team In Training Coach Fall Update Week of May 16th: Midweek Workout and Pace

"You accomplish victory step by step, not by leaps and bounds." 
--Lyn St. James, Indy race car driver


"Some succeed because they are destined to, but most succeed because they are determined to."  --Unknown


Hello Team!

It was great seeing everyone on Saturday at Running Away Multisport. If you didn't make it don't worry! You can download the Getting Started handout here. If you still have questions come out to breakfast after the injury prevention clinic on Saturday. Marianne and I will be able to go over any questions you might have. The most important thing is getting fitted in the right type of shoe at a running store (Fleet feet, Running Away, Running Unlimited) where they can fit you for your foot type and walk.

Remember rain or shine, warm or cold...we'll have training still (except in extreme weather conditions). You don't know what race day will be like and you have to be prepared.  If your unsure of the status of training, check out the Team in Training Hotline 312-651-7356 x 7761 or


Group Training


Midweek Training

Come and join us for our first midweek training!  These trainings are for EVERYONE regardless of your experience or pace.  At midweeks we will be working on your running and/or walking form, pacing, strength, power, flexibility, speed and more!!!!

Trainings will alternate between The Palatine Park District Track and Palatine Hills Golf Course every Wednesday at 6:30 PM. This week we will be meeting at the outdoor track at the Palatine Park District just behind the Police Station. Remember to look out for Bobby's bright Yellow Car!

If you can't make it to practice then do a 30 minute workout and figure out your pace (minutes per mile). This will make sense if you keep on reading.


After track we will be going out for drinks and food at either Durty Nellies or Portillos. So come join the fun and gain some calories back after you burned them all. 


Wednesday, May 18 6:30 pm

Location;  Palatine Park District Track

250 E Wood St Palatine, IL 60067

Click Here to see directions on Google Maps.


Saturday, May 21  7:00 am

Location:  Busse Woods at the 0 mile marker

The entrance is just east of Route 53/290 on the South side of Higgins Road in Schaumburg. Follow the road all the way to the south lake.

Click Here to see Directions on Google Maps

Remember to look out for Bobby's bright Yellow Car!


Length of Trainings:

Full Marathons:  4 miles

Half Marathons: 3 miles

Fleet Feet 5K: 20 min

Fleet Feet 10K: 2 miles


The injury prevention clinic will be held immediately following training hosted by Athletico.  Make sure to come and learn great information on how to get you safely to the start line of your event.

Coaching Tip of the Week


Learning how to pace yourself is one of the most important things that you can learn.  Finding the correct pace that you should be running or walking for your long trainings will allow you to complete your trainings and give you confidence. Many people, especially when they are first starting out go too fast.  This causes them to have to slow down or not be able to complete the workout the way they planned leading to frustration and discouragement.


For your long trainings you should be training at a conversational pace.  You should not feel like you are sitting on a couch or walking through a mall.  You should feel like you are working but not working so hard that you have to gasp for breath or be unable to talk.  You should be able to have a conversation while you are athletic walking or running.  You should feel that from a breathing or heart rate perspective you can go on forever. If you are panting for breath or cannot talk YOU ARE GOING TOO FAST, no matter how slow you may think you are going you need to bring it down until you can breathe easier!!!


On the perceived exertion scale (CLICK HERE TO READ) this level is about a 6.   If you are familiar with heart rate training zones this level is between 65% and 80% of your maximum heart rate.  If you are having difficulty find your pace, the use of a heart rate monitor can help you to keep your training within the proper zone.  Soon you will know what this zone feels like and be able to train in that zone automatically.  If you would like help to determine your target heart rate and/or use a heart rate monitor to help you with your training ask your coach.


If you are worried that you aren't going fast enough, don't.  The focus right now should be on finding this pace.  If you are worried you will never get faster training at this pace, don't.  There are times during this season where we will be getting your heart rate up and you will be training at a higher intensity where you have difficulty catching your breath.  There is a time and a purpose to this type of training but your long trainings are not it!!!  We will bring this type of training in at the appropriate time.


Also, remember that this is all about YOU!!!!  Your pace is your pace.  You do not have to keep up with anyone else in the group.  If you are training with a friend you might not both be at the same fitness level or pace right now.  You may need to split up for training and meet at the end to talk about how great you both did!


We are here to help you to find your appropriate training and event paces.  Talk to us if you are having difficulty "getting in the zone"!


Thank you for a being a part of Team in Training!

"The influence of each human being on others in this life is a kind of immortality."   --John Quincy Adams

Remembering the Reasons,

Your coaches,


Marianne Cantieri   847-912-5981  

Bobby Dobroski     224-588-7442  


Also you can check the status update of training on our Team in Training Hotline 312-651-7356 x 7761 or

Need the schedule? Half & Full Marathon. 5K & 10K



"Happiness is a choice. You can be happy or miserable. Either way the distance is the same."

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