After experiencing the personal satisfaction of completing one's first marathon or half-marathon, many runners and walkers are interested in resuming their training immediately. While completing a marathon or half-marathon is quite exciting and motivating, extreme care must be taken in the weeks following the race regarding the rebuilding mileage of to pre-race levels.
The effects on the muscular-skeletal system are tremendous, as muscles have experienced micro-trauma, a fancy word for very small tears of the muscular tissue that normally occurs as a result of the physical demands of the event. This is a normal occurrence. These tears require adequate time to heal and regenerate. Jumping right into a heavy training schedule will slow down the recovery of muscles and soft-tissue. Even if the micro-trauma damage is minimal, the soft connective tissue and bones of the body are in a vulnerable state immediately following the marathon.
To reduce the possibility of incurring an injury, a prudent approach to the full resumption of training should be taken. Some training resources state that athletes should take a week or so off after an endurance event. Instead, it is recommended to engage in cross-training activities to maintain cardio-vascular fitness while at the same time, allowing the body to rest, recover, and heal. My belief is that you must listen to what your body tells you. If you are experiencing muscular soreness, walking or easy cycling are ideal activities to loosen up the legs the week following the race.
Scheduling Your Next Event
How soon can you begin training for, and participating in your next marathon or half-marathon? The answer to this question depends on several factors. Some of these include, but are not limited to, years of running experience, type/intensity of the training program utilized for the previous race, energy/effort expended during that race, duration/completeness of leg recovery from the previous race, among many other factors.
The central concept to consider is that the body needs adequate time to recover from a marathon. Training for, and competing in another13.1 or 26.2 mile event before one's legs have fully recovered can lead to a variety of overuse injuries. Is it worth the risk? While I don't think that it is, the decision is ultimately yours. Staying Motivated and Combating Burnout
It's not uncommon for athletes to suffer post-event depression after finishing an endurance event. This is due in part to achieving a goal that took much time and energy to accomplish. Days after the event, runners oftentimes feel a void in their lives. Until you are ready both mentally and physically to set new goals, consider the following strategies to deal with reduced motivation and/or burnout: Run or walk simply for fun, not worrying about following a training schedule; Supplement your running and walking by participating in cross-training activities. Spend more time with family and friends and enjoy some social activities or non-athletic hobbies.
Setting New Goals
When the burnout phase is over, or if you were lucky enough to avoid this period, think about some running goals you'd like to accomplish over the next few months. Keep in mind that these don't necessarily have to center around a marathon. You may wish to improve your 5K time or perhaps, you might be interested in completing a triathlon. See strategies above regarding the setting of new goals.
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