Team In Training IL

Monday, August 15, 2011


The single most important piece of equipment you must purchase as a runner or walker is a pair of running shoes. Athletic walkers you should be wearing running shoes as well.

Some things to consider for your new pair of shoes: 
  •  If your current brand/style of shoes is working for you, by all means stick with them.  Be aware, however, that manufacturers change their shoes frequently and a new generation of the shoe is born.  For example if you were wearing Asics Gel Kayano 14, now they may be on generation 15.  You may or may not like the changes in the new version.  Sometimes they change the design slightly and seams hit you in different places.  At any rate, make sure that the shoe still works for you!
  • Do not wear your new shoes on a long training before breaking them in. When you get your new shoes wear them for two weeks on short trainings during the week, then you can break them out for a long training on Saturday.  With this timing your shoes will be fresh enough but also broken in enough for your event day.
  •   If you have been experiencing blisters, black toenails or any other discomfort or injuries, discuss these issues with your running shoe specialist.  They can help you to find solutions to these problems as related to footwear.
  •  Always purchase your shoes from a reputable running shoe store (not a generic sports store.  Ask about the store’s return policy.  Most good running shoe stores have a liberal policy that allows you to return shoes that are clean and have not been worn a great deal.  Check and always save the sales receipt.
  • Don’t forget our friends of Team in Training who offer you a discount!

1 comment:

  1. トリーバーチは世界的に人気を博しています。バッグや財布やシューズなどの商品を取り扱っています。全体的に豪華さがたっぷりあふれるファッションものです。アメリカだけでなくアジやや欧州などですごく評判が高いです。個性的なルックとともに、ボディには、適度な柔らかさと心地良い肌触りになめされたレザーを使用し、最高級のバッグがたっぷりあります。それに、良質な素材を採用して出来たシューズもあります。トリーバーチのファンなら、ぜひともご注目くださいませ!!
